Sumeyra Buran is a full-time assistant professor of English at Istanbul Medeniyet University (IMU). Her teaching and research areas are British literature, women writers, women in science, science fiction, speculative fiction, technology and science, religion, race, ethnicity, sexuality, and gender, technofeminism, technoculture, cyber and cyborg studies, cyberpunk, queertopia, human-animal studies, Anthropocene, posthumanism, Environmental Humanism, Ecofeminism, CliFi, women and gender studies, Femicide, violence against women, fantasy and gothic, and sf film. 

Since December 2018, she was awarded a research grant by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) for her associate professorship research project on violence against women in British Science Fiction, and gender and reproductive technologies in feminist sf. She is currently working as a visiting Assistant Professor under the supervision of Prof. Sherryl Vint in the Department of English at the University of California Riverside. In 2020, Dr. Buran will become co-editor with Sherryl Vint of a collection book Technologies of Feminist Speculative Fiction: Gender, Artificial Life, Reproduction to be published by Palgrave. She will have an article in this collection titled “Being an Artificial Womb Machine HumanFrom Partheno-Humans to Gene-Edited Babies,” exploring the reproductive technologies in dystopian feminist sci-fi. She has two forthcoming books to be published in 2021: Posthuman Studies in Turkey and Gwyneth Jones’un Hayat’ın da Kadına Karşı Şiddet

She is a commission member of the Unit of Women Studies in Academia at the Council of Higher Education in Turkey, a scientific coordination committee member of the European Observatory on Femicide, and the founder of the Center for Human Rights at Istanbul Medeniyet University and the Turkish Observatory on Femicide. She is working on femicide cases in Turkey for the further project for EOF.

Fabulation of Alternate Parallel Universes: Queertopia in Turkish Science Fiction

Discord Discussion

This discussion has been copied from the Discord server, names have been reduced to first name, discussion threads have been grouped and edited for better readability.